Kompilátory a vývojářské nástroje
Kategorie "Kompilátory a vývojářské nástroje" je vaším jedinečným cílem pro všechny zásadní zdroje pro programování a vývoj softwaru. Ať už jste začátečník, který se vydává na cestu programování, nebo zkušený vývojář, který chce rozvíjet své dovednosti, tato kategorie nabízí širokou škálu produktů, které vyhovují různým potřebám a úrovním odbornosti v oblasti programování.
Klíčovým aspektem této kategorie je rozmanitost nástrojů navržených pro zvýšení produktivity a efektivity ve vývoji softwaru. Od sofistikovaných integrovaných vývojových prostředí (IDE) až po rozsáhlé knihovny různých programovacích jazyků, tyto produkty jsou navrženy tak, aby usnadnily procesy kódování a nasazení. Nástroje jako Microsoft Visual Studio nebo open-source zdroje jako PyTorch poskytují odborníkům rámec potřebný k vývoji a správě pokročilých aplikací.
Tato kategorie oslovuje především vývojáře softwaru, studenty informatiky a technologické nadšence, kteří chtějí zlepšit své dovednosti v oblasti programování a řešení problémů. Je také ideální pro IT profesionály, kteří chtějí zůstat v obraze s nejnovějšími vývoji v programovacích technologiích. Bez ohledu na věk, pohlaví nebo profesi, každý, kdo má zájem o programování nebo softwarové inženýrství, může z těchto zdrojů výrazně těžit.
Klíčové nabídky v této kategorii zahrnují pokročilý software jako Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise a instruktážní knihy pokrývající širokou škálu programovacích jazyků jako C++, Java a Python. Dále jsou k dispozici zdroje o nových technologiích, jako je strojové učení, které jsou prezentovány v knihách o hlubokém učení s použitím PyTorch, aby vedly vývojáře v nejmodernějších oblastech.
Prozkoumejte robustní nabídky v této kategorii a vybavte se těmi nejlepšími programátorskými nástroji a znalostmi, abyste vynikli v neustále se rozvíjejícím technologickém prostředí.

A Beginners Guide to Python 3 Programming - (Hunt John)(Paperback)
This textbook is aimed at readers who have little or no knowledge of computer programming but want to learn to program in Python. It starts from the very basics including how to install your Python environment, how to write a very simple program and run it, what a variable is, what an if statement is, how iteration works using for and while loops as well as important key concepts such as functions, classes and modules. Each subject area is prefaced with an introductory chapter, before continuing with how these ideas work in Python. The second edition has been completely updated for the latest versions of Python including Python 3.11 and Python 3.12. New chapters have been added such as those that consider where and how Python is used, the use of Frozensets, how data can be sorted, enumerated types in Python, structural pattern matching and how (and why) Python Virtual

Veeam Data Platform Advanced Universal P-ADVVUL-0I-SU4AR-00
Veeam (P-ADVVUL-0I-SU4AR-00) Veeam Data Platform Advanced Universal Subscription License. Includes Enterprise Plus Edition features. 4 Years Renewal Subscription Upfront Billing & Production (24/7) Support. 10 instance pack. Public Sector.

Veeam Data Platform Advanced Universal E-ADVVUL-0I-SU3AR-00
Veeam (E-ADVVUL-0I-SU3AR-00) Veeam Data Platform Advanced Universal Subscription License. Includes Enterprise Plus Edition features. 3 Years Renewal Subscription Upfront Billing & Production (24/7) Support. 10 instance pack. Education sector.

Programátor serv KST Tool#3
Tool #3 je jednoduchý programátor serv KST.

Veeam Data Platform Advanced Universal P-ADVVUL-0I-SU1AR-00
Veeam (P-ADVVUL-0I-SU1AR-00) Veeam Data Platform Advanced Universal Subscription License. Includes Enterprise Plus Edition features. 1 Year Renewal Subscription Upfront Billing & Production (24/7) Support. 10 instance pack. Public Sector.

Veeam Data Platform Advanced Universal E-ADVVUL-0I-SU2AR-00
Veeam (E-ADVVUL-0I-SU2AR-00) Veeam Data Platform Advanced Universal Subscription License. Includes Enterprise Plus Edition features. 2 Years Renewal Subscription Upfront Billing & Production (24/7) Support. 10 instance pack. Education sector.

Software DETECTOMAT - programovací a konfigurační SW
Programovací SW (DPT a I-Check) pro konfiguraci ústředny, konfigurace sítě, podpora dálkového programování, struktura smyčky, zobrazení kompletní informace o detektorech. Zakoupením získáváte trvalou elektronickou licenci vč. nových aktualizací. Po úhradě dostanete oprávnění ke stažení SW z našich stránek www.varnet.cz. Postup stažení instalačního souboru: Po přihlášení svým uživatelským jménem a heslem zvolte nahoře vpravo Můj účet, poté vlevo v MENU: Moje Soubory / EPS / SW Detectomat/.Typ softwaresledovací, vyhodnocovacíJazyková verzeanglická, německá, českáOperační systémWindows 98, 2000, XP, VistaExport datano, Excel, WordTyp spojenísériové připojení - přímé

Veeam Data Platform Advanced Universal V-ADVVUL-0I-SU2AR-00
Veeam (V-ADVVUL-0I-SU2AR-00) Veeam Data Platform Advanced Universal Subscription License. Includes Enterprise Plus Edition features. 2 Years Renewal Subscription Upfront Billing & Production (24/7) Support. 10 instance pack.

Oracle Database Programming with Java: Ideas, Designs, and Implementations - (Bai Ying)(Pevná vazba)
Databases have become an integral part of modern life. Todays society is an information-driven society, and database technology has a direct impact on all aspects of daily life. Decisions are routinely made by organizations based on the information collected and stored in databases. Database management systems such as Oracle are crucial to apply data in industrial or commercial systems. Equally crucial is a graphical user interface (GUI) to enable users to access and manipulate data in databases. The Apache NetBeans IDE with Java is an ideal candidate for developing a GUI with programming functionality. Oracle Database Programming with Java: Ideas, Designs, and Implementations is written for college students and software programmers who want to develop practical and commercial database programming with Java and relational databases such as Oracle Database XE 18c. The

A Gamers Introduction to Programming in C#: Welcome Brave Adventurer! - (Langille Aaron)(Paperback)
The first in an ongoing series designed to take readers from zero experience to writing their own video games and interactive digital experiences using industry standard languages and tools, this book is a great way to turn a love of video games into a new love of

Tidy Finance with Python - (Scheuch Christoph)(Paperback)
This textbook shows how to bring theoretical concepts from finance and econometrics to the data. Focusing on coding and data analysis with Python, we show how to conduct research in empirical finance from

Crypto Technical Analysis: Your One-Stop Guide to Investing, Trading, and Profiting in Crypto with Technical Analysis. - (John Alan)(Paperback)
Technical Analysis is the ability to recognize order in chaos; to identify hidden patterns, and to turn such patterns into profit. In combination with the volatile and exploding market of cryptocurrency, technical analysis is a powerful skillset to acquire and develop for all investors. Cryptocurrency Technical Analysis is the most complete and comprehensible book about crypto technical analysis on the market, written for beginner and intermediate investors.The book delves specifically into the following: ★ Technical analysis (the key three, charts, indicators, oscillators, and more)★ Fundamental analysis (utility, value, various project metrics, etc.)★ Hype trading (sourcing trends, trading on hype, etc.)★ General coin and token analysis (white papers, sentiment analysis, activity, supply

The Developers Playbook for Large Language Model Security: Building Secure AI Applications - (Wilson Steve)(Paperback)
This practical book takes you straight to the heart of these threats. Author Steve Wilson, chief product officer at Exabeam, focuses exclusively on LLMs, eschewing generalized AI security to delve into the unique characteristics and vulnerabilities inherent in these

Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading - (Cartea lvaro)(Pevná vazba)
The design of trading algorithms requires sophisticated mathematical models backed up by reliable data. In this textbook, the authors develop models for algorithmic trading in contexts such as executing large orders, market making, targeting VWAP and other schedules, trading pairs or collection of assets, and executing in dark pools. These models are grounded on how the exchanges work, whether the algorithm is trading with better informed traders (adverse selection), and the type of information available to market participants at both ultra-high and low frequency. Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading is the first book that combines sophisticated mathematical modelling, empirical facts and financial economics, taking the reader from basic ideas to cutting-edge research and practice. If you need to understand how modern electronic markets operate, what information provides a trading

Coding Club Python: Next Steps Level 2 - (Roffey Chris)(Paperback)
A unique series that provides a framework for teaching coding skills. Take your Python coding to the next level Book 2 continues seamlessly on from Python Basics, offering full support and progressive tasks for students who have some basic programming experience and are ready to move on to slightly more challenging material. You will learn how to program and customise a simple calculator and, most importantly, learn essential new programming ideas that will make you a much more accomplished coder. The code is suitable for Mac, Windows and Linux users and therefore compatible with the Raspberry

Coding Club Python: Building Big Apps Level 3 - (Roffey Chris)(Paperback)
A unique series that provides a framework for teaching coding skills. Build more sophisticated apps with level 3 of Coding Club Following on from Python: Next Steps, this lively book explains how to break down projects into manageable chunks, guiding and supporting you with building larger, more exciting projects. Activities include building a version of Pong and, using the classes created for Pong, building a Breakout game and an Invaders game, developing and learning the necessary skills to build larger apps on the way. The code is suitable for Mac, Windows and Linux users and therefore compatible with the Raspberry

Coding (Real World Math) - (Szymanski Jennifer)(Paperback)
Follow the robot and get ready to use math to learn to code 1 robot ... 2 robots ... 3 Programmers use math every day to write code that helps computers and robots do their jobs. Join a real coder to learn about STEPS of a program, PATTERNS in code, IF/THEN statements, and more. Then test your math skills with special You Can Do It challenges. This brand-new series demonstrates how math skills can be applied to high-interest topics and careers in Coding, Building, Tracking Animals, and Space Exploration. The K-2 math concepts include counting 1-100 with basic addition and subtraction, using the power of 10, measuring, and simple geometry. Real world scientists, architects, programmers, and mathematicians model hands-on, from-the-field experiences in a way that will make children excited to use and expand their math skills Key features: - Vibrant, full-color photographs